Best Travel Insurance Companies for January 2024?

Wanting to go in 2024? You’re in good company. As indicated by the U.S Travel Affiliation, an exchange bunch, travel has quickly returned after the pandemic.

Americans are figure to burn through $1.09 trillion on homegrown and worldwide travel in 2024. That is up from $722 billion of every 2020 and near the $1.17 trillion spent before the pandemic in 2019.

Travel has likewise become more costly than any time in recent memory, because of expanded request and cost expansion. So in the event that you are arranging a major excursion, you deserve to think about the monetary security of movement protection.

Compare The Best travel Insurance Companies 2024?

Company Plan name Max medical coverage Max trip cancel coverage 24/7 assist Policy cancellation
Travelex Basic $15,000 $10,000 Yes Within 15 days of purchase if travel has not started
Generali Global Assistance Standard $50,000 100% of insured trip cost Yes Within 10 days of purchase if travel has not started
AXA Silver $25,000 100% of insured trip cost Yes Within 10 days of purchase if travel has not started. Other restrictions may apply.
AIG Travelguard Essential $15,000 (plus $500 dental) 100% of insured trip cost Yes Within 15 days of purchase if travel has not started
Allianz One Trip Basic $10,000 $10,000 Yes Within 15 days of purchase if travel has not started
Berkshire Hathaway ExactCare Value $15,000 100% of insured trip cost Yes N/A
Nationwide Single-trip Essential $75,000 (plus $500 dental) $10,000 Yes Within 10 days of purchase if travel has not started
Tin Leg Economy $20,000 100% of insured trip cost Yes Within 14 days of purchase if travel has not started

Our Recommendations For The Best Travel Insurance Companies

Feature Details
Max Medical Coverage: $15,000
Max Trip Cancellation Coverage: $10,000
24/7 Assistance: Yes
TrustPilot Rating: 4.3/5


The Travelex “Fundamental” plan gives $15,000 of clinical and $10,000 of outing undoing inclusion. These inclusion sums are lower than those presented by different organizations in our audit. Be that as it may, higher cutoff points are accessible by choosing the organization’s “Select” plan.

Among its redesign choices, Travelex offers experience sports inclusion for those whose schedule incorporates such adrenaline-rush exercises as zip covering, skydiving, or hiking. This inclusion can be added to any Travelex plan.

It’s additionally important that Travelex is one of the greatest appraised travel protection suppliers on Trustpilot, having procured 4.3 out of five stars (as of Aug. 2, 2023).

One ongoing commentator noted, “I’ve forever have some serious misgivings of excursion protection and every one of the commitments of clear case processes, yet I was blown away with how responsive, basic, and consistent the Travelex was. I decline all outing protection for any movement booking I do now and just use Travelex. Less expensive, more proficient, less formality. What’s not to adore?”

Best Standard Coverage Package

Feature Details
Max Medical Coverage: $50,000
Max Trip Cancellation Coverage: 100% of trip cost
24/7 Assistance: Yes
TrustPilot Rating: 3.5/5


Generali Worldwide Help is an European organization with protection administrations zeroing in on movement and personality security. Its “Standard” plan for movement protection gives $50,000 of clinical cost inclusion and outing scratch-off inclusion for 100 percent of the safeguarded esteem.

The arrangement additionally incorporates travel delay, stuff harm, things delay, and missed association inclusion. Choices, for example, rental auto crash harm and overhaul plans permit you to go with.

More Details: Generali Global Assistance

Best For “Cancel For Any Reason” Coverage: 

Feature Details
Max Medical Coverage: $25,000
Max Trip Cancellation Coverage: 100% of insured trip cost
24/7 Assistance: Yes
TrustPilot Rating: 3.2/5
Policy Cancellation: May be available (check specific plan details)


Numerous American shoppers may not promptly perceive AXA Travel Protection, but rather the organization is a worldwide monetary administrations monster settled in France.

Its “Silver” plan — AXA’s entrance level travel protection offering — incorporates inclusion for $25,000 of crisis clinical costs and 100 percent of the safeguarded trip cost assuming the excursion is dropped. Extra inclusions incorporate excursion delay, missed association, clinical departure, and things inclusion.

The organization’s “Platinum” plan gives “drop under any circumstance” trip undoing inclusion. This implies you can drop your excursion under any circumstance — individual, proficient, clinical, family, or other — and hope to get repayment.

This differences with standard excursion abrogation inclusion, wherein the scratch-off should be for one of the particular reasons expressed in the strategy contract. The “Platinum” plan likewise incorporates higher measures of crisis clinical costs and different inclusions.

More Details: AXA Travel Insurance

Best For Spontaneous Travelers?

AIG is a main worldwide supplier of protection for the two people and organizations. Its Travelguard “Fundamental” plan offers $15,000 of crisis clinical service and excursion dropping inclusion for 100 percent of the safeguarded cost of the outing. Higher inclusion sums are accessible with the organization’s “Liked” and “Grand” plans.

AIG Travelguard additionally offers its strange “Pack N’ Go” plan, intended for latest possible moment explorers who don’t require trip undoing inclusion. This plan incorporates up to $1,000 of outing interference and $25,000 of clinical cost inclusion, alongside inclusions for trip delays, missed associations, and lost baggage.

AIG guarantees statements on its site in under two minutes, making it simple to remember Travelguard for your examination shopping. Travelguard has 1.7 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot, however this depends on just 58 surveys.

More Details: AIG Travelguard

Best For Families With Young Children?

Allianz Worldwide Help (Allianz Travel) is an auxiliary of Allianz SE, the world’s biggest enhanced insurance agency. Its “Essential” plan incorporates $10,000 of both excursion interference and crisis clinical cost inclusion.

The organization offers a few plans with higher inclusion, alongside an “Crisis Clinical” plan zeroed in fundamentally on clinical service. Allianz likewise offers a few yearly strategy plans for the individuals who expect to travel on different occasions a year.

The organization’s “OneTrip Prime” plan stretches out inclusion free of charge to kids under age 17 who are going with a parent or grandparent, making it ideal for family excursions. Allianz claims the arrangement is its generally famous, with up to $100,000 of excursion scratch-off and $50,000 of crisis clinical service.

More Details:

Best For Luxury Travel: Berkshire Hathaway?

Berkshire Hathaway is one of the country’s biggest organizations (at present seventh on the Fortune 500). It’s likewise the parent organization of accident protection goliath GEICO.

Berkshire Hathaway’s “ExactCare Worth” arrangement plan incorporates $15,000 of clinical service and excursion undoing inclusion of 100 percent of the safeguarded worth of the outing. The arrangement additionally incorporates inclusion for lost stuff, stuff delay, trip postponement, and crisis clearing.

Berkshire Hathaway offers a particular protection plan for extravagance travel. This plan highlights higher clinical and trip retraction inclusion limits, $2,500 worth of lost stuff inclusion, $35,000 of vehicle rental crash inclusion, and every minute of every day overall travel help.

Best For Cruises: Nationwide?

Cross country is one of the country’s most unmistakable insurance brands, with contracts accessible for homes, vehicles, and organizations. The organization additionally offers travel protection.

Its “Single-trip Fundamental” travel protection plan gives $75,000 in health related crisis inclusion. This is the most inclusion of any of the organizations in our audit. Cross country’s $10,000 limit for trip wiping out is lower than that of different plans, nonetheless.

Higher cutoff points are accessible with its “Prime” plan, alongside a drop under any condition choice that pays 75% of the safeguarded trip cost. The arrangement likewise incorporates different extra inclusions, for example, trip delay, stuff delay, crisis clinical departure, and discretionary rental vehicle inclusion.

Cross country likewise offers a different, specific travel insurance contract for those setting out on travels. Other than anticipated inclusions, for example, trip undoing and crisis clinical, it covers agenda changes, mechanical breakdown, and missed associations.

Cross country has procured 1.9 out of 5 stars in its Trust pilot rating, in view of just 42 audits.

Best For Amateur Athletes: Tin Leg?

Tin Leg travel insurance contract plans are guaranteed by Berkshire Hathaway and different organizations. Its “Economy” plan incorporates trip wiping out inclusion at 100 percent of the protected expense and $20,000 of crisis clinical service. The organization offers an assortment of extra travel protection plans with shifting degrees of inclusion.

In the event that you’re making a trip to take part in a game and bringing your costly stuff, Tin Leg could be an extraordinary decision. Its “Economy” plan incorporates inclusion for loss of, or harm to, sporting gear (like a bike or skis). It likewise repays your occasion enlistment expenses assuming your outing is dropped or interfered.

Tin Leg has a Trustpilot rating of 1.9 out of 5 stars however this depends on just 13 surveys.


To foster our suggestions, we assembled data about a few driving travel protection suppliers from their sites and outsider surveys, where accessible. We zeroed in on the scope of fundamental inclusions, including crisis clinical service and outing retraction inclusion, alongside the accessibility of all day, every day client assistance during movement. Where it existed, we noticed each organization’s strategy retraction terms.

We inspected the most affordable arrangement for each organization that included both clinical and trip wiping out inclusion. We additionally noted discretionary inclusions and redesigned plans that give more significant levels of inclusion or specialty inclusions for specialty travel.

This data is for correlation purposes as it were. If it’s not too much trouble, check strategy subtleties prior to buying.

How To Select The Best Travel Insurance Company?

Follow these tips to pick the best travel insurance agency for your requirements.

Decide Your Necessities?

Your movement protection needs for a Caribbean journey might vary fundamentally from those for an exploring trip through the Swiss Alps. Your initial step ought to be to frame your movement cost spending plan and rundown the exercises.

In which you intend to take part (note that a few strategies incorporate discretionary inclusion for specific exercises, for example, experience sports). Likewise, think about your wellbeing status, as certain arrangements expect you to pay extra for specific previous ailments.

Research Your Movement Protection Choices?

Check in the event that you could as of now have some movement protection promptly accessible to you. Some Visa organizations offer inclusion on the off chance that you utilize their card to pay for your excursion.

Inclusion may likewise be accessible from a visit administrator or a carrier. You can likewise get proposals from a travel planner or a free protection specialist.

Think About Accessible Elements And Inclusion Sums?

You’ll find that each movement protection supplier offers fluctuating degrees of standard inclusion, like excursion crossing out and crisis clinical cost, alongside discretionary inclusions.

They normally likewise offer various plans (think “great,” “better,” and “best”). Survey these and select a couple of suppliers that offer the inclusions you want.

Get Statements From Different Organizations?

Likewise with some other sort of protection, travel protection costs change among organizations. Check with no less than three or four to guarantee that you’re getting the inclusion you need at a value you can manage.

Time STAMP: 

Business and joy travel the same have quickly returned from the pandemic. Be that as it may, voyaging has likewise become significantly more costly, on account of expansion and expanded request.

In the event that you intend to make a beeline for some distant objective — whether via air, street, rail, or transport — think about purchasing travel protection. A strategy repays took care of clinical expenses, trip interference, and different obstacles that might come upon your outing.

(FAQs) Best Travel Insurance Companies for January 2024?

How is your travel insurance cost determined?

Your movement protection cost will differ in light of how much inclusion bought, the quantity of voyagers, the age of the explorers, and your outing objective. Travel protection costs additionally shift by insurance agency, highlighting the need to look for inclusion.

Which travel insurance coverages are available?

Travel insurance contracts normally incorporate the accompanying inclusions.

  • Crisis clinical costs. This helps cover the expense of care on the off chance that you or anybody guaranteed by the strategy has a health related crisis during your outing.
  • Trip retraction. This takes care of the expense of your excursion assuming that it’s dropped because of one reason recorded on the approach contract. You may likewise have a possibility for “drop under any condition,” which gives inclusion assuming the excursion is dropped, no matter what the justification for why.
  • Trip interference. This covers costs connected with a shortening of your excursion. These expenses could incorporate repayment of prepaid lodging appointments, aircraft change charges, or additional facilities required during your outing home.
  • Crisis clinical vehicle. This takes care of the expense of transportation to the closest clinical office on the off chance that you have a health related crisis during your movement.
  • Baggage harm. This gives inclusion assuming your gear is harmed or lost during movement.
  • Travel delay. This covers costs related with a huge postponement to your movement, including extra facilities and feasts.

I’m concerned about getting sick while traveling. What insurance should I look for?

Assuming you’re worried about becoming ill, make certain to pick a strategy that incorporates inclusions like crisis clinical (which helps pay for your clinical costs) and crisis clinical vehicle (which helps pay for transportation to a clinic).

Do I need travel insurance for a cruise?

Travel protection merits considering for a journey. As back up plan Allianz takes note of, a strategy can assist you with recovering expenses in the event that you really want to drop.

Without a second to spare, have a health related crisis while ready or at a stop (standard health care coverage may not give inclusion beyond the U.S.), or on the other hand assuming that you miss the boat all together because of a postpone by your carrier.

Is there travel insurance for multiple trips?

On the off chance that you’re wanting to go on different outings in a solitary year, you should consider multi-trip protection (likewise called “yearly” travel protection).

This kind of strategy regularly gives trip interference, crisis clinical cost, trip delay, and different inclusions at a value that is not as much as purchasing a strategy for each excursion.

How do I file a travel insurance claim?

On the off chance that you really want to document a movement protection guarantee, call the insurance agency. Each organization has its own cycle for guarantee documenting.

You’ll need to be certain you have the appropriate case frames and comprehend supporting documentation the organization’s expectation’s. Make certain to adhere to the organization’s guidelines for presenting your case demand.

How long does it take for a travel insurance claim to be paid?

It can require a little while for a movement protection guarantee to be paid. Make certain to look for any subsequent solicitations from your back up plan (like solicitations for extra documentation) and answer speedily to keep away from pointless deferrals.

Does my credit card offer travel insurance?

Some Visas in all actuality do offer changing degrees of movement protection, including trip interference, clinical cost, trip deferral, and crisis departure inclusion. Check your charge card agreements or advantages articulation to comprehend what inclusion might be given.

The Pursuit Sapphire Reserve® card offers one of the most amazing arrangement of movement protection benefits, including $100,000 of crisis transportation inclusion, $2,500 of crisis clinical and dental inclusion, and up to $20,000 of excursion interference inclusion.

Which company is best for travel insurance?

According to Forbes Advisor, some of the best travel insurance companies of January 2024 are Travel Insured International, WorldTrips, Nationwide, TravelSafe, AIG, AXA Assistance USA, Generali Global Assistance, HTH Worldwide, and Travelex Insurance Services.

  • The best travel insurance to take out depends on your specific needs. For example, if you’re looking for comprehensive coverage, Seven Corners is a good option. If you’re looking for medical coverage, Trawick International is a good choice .
  • It’s best to buy travel insurance as soon as you’ve made your travel arrangements. Many insurers ask for information about your trip to help you find the correct insurance, so you’ll need to at least know where you’re going, when you’re going, and the expense of your outing prior to buying travel protection ..
  • Allianz is best known for being one of the leading integrated financial services providers worldwide, offering worldwide products and solutions in insurance and asset management .
  • Yes, Allianz does cover missed flights due to unforeseen circumstances such as severe weather or a medical emergency .

Recommended For Post: Best Travel Insurance Companies for January 2024?

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