What Is The Best Time To Go To The Beach?


The morning can be a great time to visit the beach for several reasons:

  • The air is cooler and less humid, making for a more comfortable beach experience. The intense midday heat has not yet arrived.
  • It’s often less crowded in the morning hours, so you can enjoy more personal space on the beach. Popular beaches can get very packed in the afternoon.
  • Parking is easier to find and often less expensive than mid-day parking rates at some beaches.
  • The water is calmer, perfect for swimming or surfing. Afternoon winds can whip up larger waves.
  • It’s easier to secure beach chairs, umbrellas, and prime spots before the crowds arrive.

Some downsides to the morning beach visit:

  • The water may be cooler than in the afternoon after the sun has warmed it up.
  • There are fewer amenities open – concession stands, beach gear rentals, etc. Many open mid-day.
  • Surfing conditions may be better later when winds pick up.

So for avoiding crowds, swimming, and having cooler temperatures, early morning is an ideal time to hit the beach. Just bring your own snacks and gear!


The afternoon brings some advantages for a beach visit:

  • The water is at its warmest after hours in the strong midday sun. This makes swimming and playing in the waves more enjoyable.
  • All the beach amenities are open – restrooms, rentals, shops, concessions, etc.
  • Surfing and windsurfing conditions may be optimal with afternoon winds.
  • With cooler evenings, the warmest temps are often in the afternoon. This is the best tanning time.
  • The bright overhead sun illuminates the water for better visibility while swimming or snorkeling.

But there are some downsides to afternoons at the beach:

  • Crowds are at their peak, making it hard to find parking and space to settle in on busy beaches.
  • The midday heat can be sweltering, especially with reflected heat off the sand. Shade is important.
  • Afternoon winds can whip up irritating sand, making it less pleasant to relax on the beach.
  • Overhead sun increases chances of sunburn without diligent reapplication of sunscreen.

So for amenities, water sports, warm water, and tanning, afternoon may be the best time to hit the beach. Just arrive early enough to claim some space!


Visiting the beach in the evening offers some unique advantages:

  • Temperatures start cooling off, making it more comfortable to jog, play games, or take long strolls on the sand.
  • Sunsets over the ocean provide a beautiful backdrop for a romantic or family beach picnic.
  • Many beaches are less crowded in the evenings once the hot midday temperatures start cooling off.
  • Without the harsh overhead sunlight, an evening beach visit reduces chances of sunburn.
  • Night beach activities open up, like bonfires, fireworks, or moonlit strolls and swimming.

Some potential downsides of evening beach visits include:

  • Cooler air and water temperatures, making swimming less inviting.
  • Limited amenities still open as many beach businesses close earlier in the day.
  • Possible difficulty seeing the shoreline after dark if visiting for moonlight swimming.
  • Higher risks of jellyfish, stingrays, and other marine life coming closer to shore at night.

So for cooler temps, sunrise views, fewer crowds, and nighttime activities, evenings can be the ideal time to enjoy the beach scene. Just bring some layers, a flashlight, and take safety precautions when swimming after dark.

Best Time to Go to the Beach – Day, Month, Season

Deciding the best beach days involves factoring in seasons, weather, crowds, and beach amenities available. Here are some tips on picking the prime beach days, months, and seasons:

Best Months to go to the Beach

  • June-August are classic summer beach months with warm air and water, long sunny days, and full amenities and lifeguards on duty at most beaches. However, crowds spike during these peak season months.
  • May, September, October offer warmer temperatures without the peak crowds. Temperatures are often still conducive to swimming and water sports during these shoulder season months.
  • Spring or early fall bring cooler water but emptier beaches, ideal for long walks, playing games, hunting shells or fishing. Wetsuits can extend the swimmable season.
  • Winter months mean the fewest crowds, but frigid water temps limit water activities. However, winter can offer storm watching, long empty beaches for exploring, and lower off-season hotel rates nearby.

Best Day to Go to the Beach

  • Weekdays are best for avoiding crowds. Beach parking and entry is often limited on summer weekends at popular beaches.
  • Post-holiday weekdays are least crowded as most people are back to work after a 3-day weekend.
  • Morning hours for cooler temps, calm water, and prime spot staking.
  • Afternoons for peak tanning, warmest water, and full amenities open.
  • Evenings for cooler strolls, spectacular sunsets, and night swimming.

Best Time of Day to Go to the Beach

  • Early morning to claim a spot, have cooler air, and enjoy calm waters.
  • Late afternoon as crowds thin out and temperatures cool down. Prime sunset viewing time.
  • Early evening for dinner picnics, moonlit strolls, and night swimming.


What time is the beach the calmest?

  • Early mornings generally have the calmest water before winds pick up. Evening can also have fairly calm conditions.
  • Low tide times are best for calmer water. Tides are calmest around the time they switch between high and low.
  • Offshore winds push water away from shore, flattening out waves. Onshore winds create rougher surf.

Is the ocean rougher at night?

  • The ocean is not inherently rougher at night across the board. However, some factors can contribute to increased wave action in the evening hours:
  • Afternoon onshore winds have had more time to whip up waves that continue rolling in at night.
  • Without sunlight to warm surface waters, cooler water temps can create steeper wave peaks at night.
  • Reduced visibility in darkness makes waves appear to be larger than in daylight.
  • Higher tidal ranges that occur at night around full and new moons can increase turbulence.


The best time to go to the beach depends on what you want to do! If you want to swim and play in the waves, go in the summer when the water is warm. June to August are the beach months. If you want to see cool shells or fish, go in spring and fall. The weather is nice without too many people.

Make sure to bring sunscreen whenever you go! Early morning and late afternoon are good times to avoid crowds. Check a tide chart for low tide if you want calm water. Talk to your parents about planning a fun beach trip this summer to swim and build sandcastles! Going at the right time lets you enjoy the beach the most.

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